People matter to us no
matter where they are.

National & Global Missions at New Hope

Our blessing came to us on the way to someone else. As a community of disciples we are committed to serving Jesus by serving those around us – across the street and around the world.

The Mission Committee helps decide on the mission focus for the year and the location of the summer mission trip. More information will be forthcoming.

Visit our Events Calendar to view the latest info on scheduled global missions.


Before COVID, every summer we partnered with local contractors in Cumberland, MD as part of NAILS Mission Program to repair houses to improve the living conditions for homeowners. The program specifically emphasizes assisting homeowners with mobility impairments and health and safety concerns, as well as those in financial or dire need. Our partnership with professional contractors in the community, along with other volunteers helps others to see the love of Christ as we work together, fellowship together, study God’s word together, and pray together.

We are blessed to be a part of NAILS Mission Program as we are witnesses to God’s compassion and care for homeowners who are struggling to keep their homes and avoid living in alternative housing. We are thankful that we can join God in this ministry to be God’s hand to work with others in the local area for the greater good in the community.


Ygro is our mission partner and together we provide assistance to Sri Lanka to “bring wholeness to whole communities” of the poor. Ygro’s mission is to demonstrate the love of Christ by providing educational, vocational, career, economic, social, and psychological development to empower the poor holistically.

We are specifically committed to supporting two key programs in its partnership with Ygro, helping widows and providing education resources to underprivileged children in Northern Sri Lanka. The need to provide assistance to these two groups is the result of the 30-year civil war in Northern Sri Lanka that ended in 2010. As a result of the war, many women lost their husbands, the primary provider for the family, and likewise, many children lost their fathers and the means to provide for an education.

Fish For Change

For years New Hope collected coins from the congregation for our Fish for Change project. When the collection jar was full (or too heavy to lift!), the proceeds were donated to the Haiti Fund, Inc which supports self development in rural Haiti. The funds specifically go toward the creation of Tilapia fish ponds which provide much needed protein and the potential for small business. Haiti Fund is a small non-profit supported, in part, by the Presbyterian Church (USA) and many Presbyterian congregations.


Our other global work includes financial support to: the building project of Fellowship of Christian Students (FOCUS) in Sri Lanka; care packages and greeting cards to our military troops overseas; disaster relief efforts of the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance program; four PCUSA special offerings (One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost Offering, Peacemaking Offering and Christmas Joy Offering) and PCUSA Unified Mission Support.

As each has received a gift, use it to serve another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.

Matthew 24:14

17930 Bowie Mill Road, Derwood, Maryland 20855

Phone: (301) 987-8989 | Email:

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© 2022. New Hope is a member of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the National Capital Presbytery.