What are some of the best things you have experienced in your life? You might say that the community you live is the best community in which you ever lived. Perhaps your job, or if retired, your former job, is the best job you ever had. For those of you reading who are reading this and are members of New Hope I might expect you would say that New Hope is the best church you have ever been a member.

Psalm 36: 5-10 tells us that God’s love is the best we will ever experience. Verse 5 informs us that God’s love for us is steadfast and it extends to the heavens, and God’s faithfulness to the clouds.  This all sounds good from the surface. However, until we examine the depth and the real meaning of God’s love, only then can we really and deeply experience the unlimited and unconditional love of God.  

The Jewish word, hesed is translated as “steadfast love” in most English translations of the Old Testament. Hesed is more than what God feels for us, but it is God in action for us. God’s love, or hesed, is a faithful, reliable love that is the source of God’s best for our benefit. Wrapped up in God’s hesed and bundled as one wholly blessing is God’s faithfulness, mercy, grace, kindness, devotion, loving-kindness, compassion, care, protection, and every other attribute of our awesome God.

But wait! There is one most significant best that God has given us. It is His Son Jesus Christ who himself also gave us his best. Jesus’ best led hm to the cross as the best sacrifice to save us, that we might be redeemed for eternal life.

Jesus has given us His best.  Are you giving Him your best?