What does the Bible say about stewardship?

The Bible teaches that people who take seriously the stewardship of all that God gives them have these characteristics: They give
through the Church (Malachi 3:10), liberally (Luke 6:38), sacrificially (2 Corinthians 8:1-4), cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7), and regularly (1 Corinthians 16:2). 

What do Presbyterians believe about stewardship?
(From the PCUSA 
Book of Order)

Giving has always been a mark of Christian commitment and discipleship.  The ways in which a believer uses God's gifts of material goods, personal abilities, and time should reflect a faithful response to God's self-giving in Jesus Christ and Christ's call to minister to and share with others in the world.  Tithing is a primary expression of the Christian discipline of stewardship.
Those who follow the discipline of Christian stewardship will find themselves called to lives of simplicity, generosity, honesty, hospitality, compassion, receptivity, and concern for the earth and God's creatures.

Why do we give?

  • We feel gratitude to God.
  • We see giving as part of our spiritual relationship with God.
  • We desire to share the love of Christ with others.

How can I support the mission and ministry of New Hope Presbyterian Church?

  • Through weekly or monthly tithes and offerings to the general operations of the church. Read New Hope’s Annual Report to learn how these offerings were used in 2010 
  • Through response to a variety of special opportunities to support mission throughout the year (for example: mission trips around our region and to Mexico, CODEP (Presbyterian/Episcopalian Development work in Haiti), Alternative Gifts and the Tree of Stars).
  • Through giving to the denomination's special offerings: Souper Bowl, Peacemaking, One Great Hour of Sharing and the Christmas Joy Offering.