We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. (Romans 12:6)
One of the pleasures of being in community is the opportunity to share your gifts, the things you do well and the things you enjoy. The ministries of New Hope’s offer opportunities for the sharing of many and diverse gifts. To volunteer or learn more about these ministries send us a note or call the office at 301.987.8989, or talk to Pastor Andrew when you're at church.

Worship. Many people are needed to put on our services, including the Worship Committee to plan them and help prepare for them, and acolytes, ushers, and readers to assist during the service.

Social Justice. New Hope’s members are active in many areas of service to the poor and needy, as well as advocacy for important causes. Learn more from our Mission pages.

Music. New Hope is blessed with energetic singers and budding instrumentalists. There are opportunities for musicians of all ages, including children and youth, and at all levels of experience. Learn more from our Music page.

Education. With support from our staff and lay leaders, you can teach children in the Sunday School, and assist with youth trips and events. You can also share your knowledge by leading a discussion at the Adult Forum. For more information, see the Education pages.

Communications. Help plan and design our communications with people inside and outside the church, including our newsletter, web site, brochures, posters, and press releases.

Hospitality. Assist in providing snacks and meals for congregational and community activities.

Spiritual Care. A group of us join with the clergy to contact and comfort those of us who have encountered illnesses or setbacks, to pray for those who have requested prayers, and to bring communion to those who can't make it to church.

Leadership. The lay governing board of the church is the Session, whose members are elected at the annual congregational meeting. The Session overseas the life of the church and all the committees at work. They’re always on the lookout for new volunteers for various tasks and adventures!